
Birchwood Camp is a welcoming camp community and a ministry of the United Methodist Church in Alaska. We practice kindness, acceptance, respect, cooperation, outdoor learning & play. Our camps & retreats provide safe spaces for spiritual formation, genuine community, and character development.

ACA 4color webBirchwood Camp is a member of the American Camp Association and has achieved accreditation status by completing a voluntary peer review process of standards applicable to our program. We follow health, safety and program standards to ensure that your camper has a positive, safe experience at Birchwood Camp.

Winter Youth Camp

Generally takes place every winter during winter break for Anchorage School District. Click “Winter Youth Camp” above for more information.


Summer Camps

Generally take place every summer in June and July. 

Click here to read details about each camp (description, registration fee, check in/out).

A Note About Fees:

Did you know that your camper’s experience is possible through the generosity of supporters committed to camping ministries? Registration fees are significantly less than the actual cost of providing a faith-building camp for your child. We keep our fees low and offer generous scholarships so no camper misses out on the chance to come to Birchwood Camp. We invite you to prayerfully consider making a donation to help us continue offering low fees and scholarships for campers.

More Information

Click on the following links for more information:



