Birchwood Volunteer Club

We are looking for volunteers to join the Birchwood Volunteer Club. The Volunteer Club will meet on the first Sunday afternoon (1-5 pm) of each month (with some exceptions for holidays or summer camps) to work on various maintenance & grounds projects around camp. Volunteer Club members don’t need to be available every month but can attend when their schedule allows. Once you “join the club” we’ll send you details and a reminder about the monthly work day.

We are looking for people with the following skills:

  • General construction/repair skills
  • Plumbers
  • Electricians
  • Chainsaw & log-splitting

Upcoming Volunteer Club Workdays

September 8

October 6

October 20

If you want to join the Birchwood Volunteer Club, contact Tommy, our Property Specialist: 907-688-2734 or
